CaseKey 2022 Highlights
The Casekey 2022 Case Competition proved to be a dynamic platform, attracting 180 participants organized into 22 teams, with active participation from over 10 companies and more than 50 industry experts. Notably, a team from this competition went on to represent Armenia at an international Case Competition held in Florida, USA, showcasing the global reach and competitiveness fostered by the Casekey platform
CaseKey 2022: Grand Final
All you need to know about the last 2 days of CaseKey 2022
Final Case Announcement
Highlights from the Final Case Announcement
Alexandr Yesayan
Apartners about CaseKey 2022
Garegin Gevorgyan
Partners about CaseKey 2023
Nare Farmanyan
Participants about CaseKey 2022
Gayane Yesayan
Participants about CaseKey 2022
Some Statistics
Cases solved
The Casekey 2022 Case Competition held special significance as the Head Coach of Florida State University generously offered a one-week training program to all participants. This unique opportunity not only enriched the skills of the participants but also provided them with valuable insights. Furthermore, participants had the exceptional opportunity to collaboratively solve two Micro-cases, adding a practical and applied dimension to their learning experience.
Opening week
How it all started
Armathization Case
Market Growth Case
Case of Stepanavan
Strategic Development Case